
React Hooks and Local Storage: Let’s build a ToDo app

React Hooks and Local Storage: Let’s build a ToDo app

  • August 25, 2020

React hooks have been around for quite some time. They have been widely adopted by the React community since then and have started becoming the defacto for newer React applications. A react hook allows developers to hook into React features. React hooks allow building components by using functions instead of...

Using Emotion js in a react project

Using Emotion js in a react project

  • July 2, 2019

CSS in JS is a fairly controversial topic depending on who you talk to. What it gives you is the ability to do is write all your styling in javascript instead of creating a separate CSS file. I really like CSS in JS because it solves some of the major...

Using React.memo() in React 16.6

Using React.memo() in React 16.6

  • October 26, 2018

React 16.6 was released a couple of days and and it brings a couple of new features. One of these is React.lazy() which is something that requires a separate post in itself along with React Suspense. The other one, which we will talk about in this post is React.memo(). What...