October 2021

Select all text on click using CSS

Select all text on click using CSS

  • October 22, 2021

When a user has to select some text on a website, they have to drag and hold their mouse, or use double-click it. Sometimes, there are some samples that we know that the user is going to copy for sure. A use case for this can be code samples. The...

Detecting element causing CSS overflow

Detecting element causing CSS overflow

  • October 13, 2021

CSS overflows are an annoyance that keep showing up once in a while and are really hard to debug. Unwanted and unexpected scrollbars can lead to hours of inspecting the DOM to figure out what element is causing the issue and clicking random elements in the Chrome dev tools until...

Opening a Browser with DevTools Open by Default

Opening a Browser with DevTools Open by Default

  • October 10, 2021

While automating some parts of my development workflow, I was wondering if there was a way of opening a browser with DevTools open by default. This would save me a few clicks and small tweaks like this are always helpful. And it turns out that it is possible! All I...