
Node.js 20.6 adds built-in support for .env files

Node.js 20.6 adds built-in support for .env files

  • April 10, 2024

Node.js 20.6 added built-in support for the .env file. This is an excellent addition to the platform and gives us the ability to load environment variables from .env files directly without using third-party packages. While it is great to see first-class support, some caveats remain. Let us look at how it works. Assuming that...

How to prevent npm install for unsupported Node.js versions

How to prevent npm install for unsupported Node.js versions

  • March 17, 2022

npm configurations allow us to do quite a lot of nifty things. One of them is to allow the project to set the Node.js version that needs to be used in order to run the project. This also provides us with the functionality to prevent npm install for unsupported Node.js...

Specifying a node version in

Specifying a node version in

  • September 13, 2021

I was recently trying to use a later version of Node on I wanted to use a package that supported ES Modules, and the default version did not have support for it. So I wanted to use the latest node version in And found that there was no...

Using Babel to import/export ES2015 modules in Node.js

Using Babel to import/export ES2015 modules in Node.js

  • August 15, 2017

Using “require” statements (commonJS syntax) in your server side code while writing “import” and “export” statements (ES2015 syntax) for your front end makes writing javascript a bit weird. The reason for not having import and export statements for modules is that node parses modules a bit differently than how they...