
The new Logical Assignment Operators in JavaScript

The new Logical Assignment Operators in JavaScript

  • October 8, 2020

The latest version of ECMAScript introduced three new logical assignment operators: nullish, AND, and OR operators. These are supported from Firefox 79 onwards, Chrome 85 onwards, and naturally there is no IE support but since Edge is now chromium based, it is available there too. They are not available in...

How to groupby using reduce in JavaScript

How to groupby using reduce in JavaScript

  • October 1, 2020

The groupBy method is one of the reasons people use lodash in their project. In this blog post, we will write our own version of groupBy using reduce and vanilla JavaScript. What groupBy does? groupBy works on an array of items, and it groups these items together into an object...

JavaScript Promise combinators: race, all, allSettled, any

JavaScript Promise combinators: race, all, allSettled, any

  • December 3, 2019

Promises have not been a new concept in the javascript community. They have existed in the ecosystem for a long time. JavaScript promises existed even before they were officially made a part of the ECMAScript spec in ES6. These initial implementations of JavaScript promise were in the form of framework...