Web Development

Progressive JPEG: what and how they help improve web performance

A progressive JPEG image is a JPEG image that is encoded in a different manner than a baseline JPEG. It…

3 years ago

React fragments: What and Why

React fragments were a feature released in React 16.2. They have been around for a while now but have been…

3 years ago

Using Sub Resource Integrity to secure web applications

Sub Resource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that can be used to validate that the resources that the browser…

3 years ago

Measuring JavaScript execution time

When it comes to performance of applications, measuring performance becomes important. For anything to be optimized, it must be measured…

3 years ago

Numeric Separators in JavaScript

Writing performant code is not enough as a developer. We need to ensure that it is readable as well. And…

3 years ago

Apply timeout to JavaScript Promises

JavaScript promises do not have any time associated with them. We can use a .then() function and wait until the…

3 years ago

Enforcing coding standards using husky pre-commit hooks

Having consistency and enforcing coding standards becomes very important as an application scales. It becomes important to automate the process…

3 years ago

Why does React state need a new object/array?

If you have been using React for a while, you are familiar with how state update works. There are a…

3 years ago

Using utility types for transforming TypeScript types

TypeScript provides some built-in utility types that help facilitate transformations of types from one form to another. These utilities are…

3 years ago

TypeScript: the difference between interface and type

Once we start exploring TypeScript, we start using interfaces and types without really understanding the differences between them. I am…

3 years ago