August 2017

Motivation Needs Help

Motivation Needs Help

  • August 28, 2017

“Not today, I will do it tomorrow.” Sounds familiar? More often than not, we all find ourselves stuck in this situation. It is either the lack of motivation to go for the kill or disinterest in general. We find ourselves worn down along the journey we once wished to conquer...

Using Babel to import/export ES2015 modules in Node.js

Using Babel to import/export ES2015 modules in Node.js

  • August 15, 2017

Using “require” statements (commonJS syntax) in your server side code while writing “import” and “export” statements (ES2015 syntax) for your front end makes writing javascript a bit weird. The reason for not having import and export statements for modules is that node parses modules a bit differently than how they...